--- title: "Introduction to promor" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: df_print: paged toc: true toc_depth: 3 pkgdown: as_is: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to promor} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ### Introduction * `promor` is a user-friendly, comprehensive R package that combines proteomics data analysis with machine learning-based modeling. * `promor` streamlines differential expression analysis of **label-free quantification (LFQ)** proteomics data and building predictive models with top protein candidates. * `promor` provides a range of quality control and visualization tools at the protein level to analyze label-free proteomics data. * Input files for `promor` are a [proteinGroups.txt ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caranathunge/promor_example_data/main/pg1.txt) file produced by [**MaxQuant**](https://maxquant.org) or a [standard input file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caranathunge/promor_example_data/main/st.txt) containing a quantitative matrix of protein intensities and an [expDesign.txt](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caranathunge/promor_example_data/main/ed1.txt) file containing the experimental design of your proteomics data. * The standard input file should be a tab-delimited text file. Proteins or protein groups should be indicated by rows and samples by columns. Protein names should be listed in the first column and you may use a column name of your choice for the first column. The remaining sample column names should match the sample names indicated by the mq_label column in the expDesign.txt file. --- ### Installation You can install the development version of promor from [GitHub](https://github.com/) with: ``` r # install devtools, if you haven't already: install.packages("devtools") # install promor from github devtools::install_github("caranathunge/promor") ``` --- ### Proteomics data analysis with promor ```{r, echo = FALSE, out.width = "100%"} knitr::include_graphics("../man/figures/promor_ProtAnalysisFlowChart_small.png") ``` *Figure 1. A schematic diagram of suggested workflows for proteomics data analysis with promor.* \ #### Example Here is a minimal working example showing how to identify differentially expressed proteins between two conditions using `promor` in five simple steps. We use a previously published data set from [Cox et al. (2014)](https://europepmc.org/article/MED/24942700#id609082) (PRIDE ID: PXD000279). ```{r example, results = 'hide', warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE} # Load promor library(promor) # Create a raw_df object with the files provided in this github account. raw <- create_df( prot_groups = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caranathunge/promor_example_data/main/pg1.txt", exp_design = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/caranathunge/promor_example_data/main/ed1.txt" ) # Filter out proteins with high levels of missing data in either condition/group raw_filtered <- filterbygroup_na(raw) # Impute missing data and create an imp_df object. imp_df <- impute_na(raw_filtered) # Normalize data and create a norm_df object norm_df <- normalize_data(imp_df) # Perform differential expression analysis and create a fit_df object fit_df <- find_dep(norm_df) ``` Lets take a look at the results using a volcano plot. ```{r volcanoplot, warning = FALSE, dpi = 300, out.width = '70%', fig.align ='center', eval = FALSE} volcano_plot(fit_df, text_size = 5) ```
--- ### Modeling with promor ```{r, echo = FALSE, out.width = "100%"} knitr::include_graphics("../man/figures/promor_ProtModelingFlowChart_small.png") ``` *Figure 2. A schematic diagram of suggested workflows for building predictive models with promor.* \ #### Example The following minimal working example shows you how to use your results from differential expression analysis to build machine learning-based predictive models using *promor*. We use a previously published data set from [Suvarna et al. (2021)](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.652799/full#h3) that used differentially expressed proteins between severe and non-severe COVID patients to build models to predict COVID severity. ```{r modeling_example, results = 'hide', warning = FALSE,message = F, eval = FALSE} # First, let's make a model_df object of top differentially expressed proteins. # We will be using example fit_df and norm_df objects provided with the package. covid_model_df <- pre_process( fit_df = covid_fit_df, norm_df = covid_norm_df ) # Next, we split the data into training and test data sets covid_split_df <- split_data(model_df = covid_model_df) # Let's train our models using the default list of machine learning algorithms covid_model_list <- train_models(split_df = covid_split_df) # We can now use our models to predict the test data covid_prob_list <- test_models( model_list = covid_model_list, split_df = covid_split_df ) ``` Let's make ROC plots to check how the different models performed. ```{r rocplot, warning = FALSE, dpi = 300, out.width = '90%', fig.align ='center', message = F, eval = FALSE} roc_plot( probability_list = covid_prob_list, split_df = covid_split_df ) ```
--- ### Tutorials You can choose a tutorial from the list below that best fits your experiment and the structure of your proteomics data. 1. If your data do NOT contain technical replicates: [promor: No technical replicates](https://caranathunge.github.io/promor/articles/promor_no_techreps.html) 2. If your data contains technical replicates: [promor: Technical replicates](https://caranathunge.github.io/promor/articles/promor_with_techreps.html) 3. If you would like to use your proteomics data to build predictive models: [promor: Modeling](https://caranathunge.github.io/promor/articles/promor_for_modeling.html)